Wednesday, 10 April 2013




Secunderabad  - 500 015

In continuation of my previous posts, wherein I had given the details of Ancient / Old coins in Album Nos  3 ,4 & 12 and details of Indian Republic  coins in Album No -1, I am now giving details of coins in Album No - 2



United Kingdom Coins
Current Coins

  1. One Penny – Queen Head by Arnold Machin                                    - 1971
  2. One Penny – Queen Head by Raphael Maklouf                                - 1991
  3. One Penny – Queen Head by Rank Broadley                                    - 2000
  4. One Penny – Reverse                                                                         - 1979

  1. Five Pence – Queen Head by Raphael Maklouf                                - 1996
  2. Five Pence – Queen Head by Rank Broadley                                    - 2000
  3. Five Pence – Reverse Std Design                                                      - 1990
  4. Five Pence – Reverse New Design                                                    - 2008
  5. Five Pence – Large Coin                                                                    - 1970
  6. Five Pence – Reverse Large Coin                                                      - 1988

  1. Ten Pence – Queen Head by Raphael Maklouf                                 - 1992
  2. Ten Pence – Queen Head by Rank Broadley                                     - 2006
  3. Ten Pence – Reverse Std Design                                                       - 1990

  1. Twenty Pence – Queen Head by Arnolg Machin                               - 1982
  2. Twenty Pence – Queen Head by Rank Broadley                               - 2002
  3. Twenty Pence – Reverse Std Design                                                 - 2005
  4. Twenty Pence – Reverse New Design                                               - 2008

  1. Two Pence – Queen Head by Arnold Machin                                    - 1978
  2. Two Pence – Queen Head by Raphael Maklouf                                - 1988
  3. Two Pence – Queen Head by Rank Broadley                                    - 2000
  4. Two Pence – Reverse Std Design                                                      - 1975
  5. Two Pence – Reverse New Design                                                    - 2008

  1. Ten Pence - Head by Arnold Machin Large                                      -1968
  2. Ten Pence  - Reverse Large                                                               -1970

  1. Fifty Pence – Queen Head by Arnold Machin Large coin                - 1969
  2. Fifty Pence – Reverse Large European Economic Community        - 1973
  3. Fifty Pence – Queen Head by Raphael Maklouf                               - 1997
  4. Fifty Pence – Queen Head by Rank Broadley                                   - 2001
  5. Fifty Pence – Reverse Britannia                                                        - 1998
  6. Fifty Pence – Reverse Suffragette – Give Women the Vote             - 2003
  7. Fifty Pence – Reverse Johnson,s Dictionary                                     - 2005
  8. Fifty Pence – Reverse Victoria Cross                                               - 2006
  9. Fifty Pence – Reverse Heroic Acts 150 Yrs of Victoria Cross         - 2006
  10. Fifty Pence – Reverse New Design                                                    - 2008
  11. Fifty Pence – 150th Anniversary of Public Libraries Act 1850         - 2000
  12. Fifty Pence – 50th Anniversary of First Sub-Four Minute Mile Run   - 2004
  13. Fifty Pence - 100th Anniversary of the Scout Movement                  - 2007
  14. Fifty Pence – 25th Anniversary Britain Joining EU                           - 1998 
  15. Fifty Pence – Olympics 2012 – Hockey                                            - 2011 
  16. Fifty Pence – Olympics 2012 – Canoeing                                         - 2011   
  17. Fifty Pence – Olympics 2012 – Boxing                                             - 2011 
  1. Fifty Pence – Olympics 2012 – Archery                                           - 2011
  2. Fifty Pence – Olympics 2012 – Aquatics                                          - 2011
  3. Fifty Pence – 100 Yrs of Girl Guiding UK                                        - 2010
  4. Fifty Pence – World Wildlife Federation                                          - 2011
  5. Fifty Pence – Olympics 2012 – Gymnastics                                     - 2011
  6. Fifty Pence – Olympics 2012 – Goalball                                           - 2011  
  7. Fifty Pence – Olympics 2012 – Basketball                                       - 2011  

  1. One Pound – Queen Head by Arnold Machin                                    - 1983
  2. One Pound – Queen Head by Raphael Maklouf                                - 1985
  3. One pound – Queen Head by Rank Broadley                                    - 2000
  4. One Pound – Ornamental Royal Arms                                              -1983
  5. One Pound - Thistle, sprig in a coronet, Representing Scotland      -1984
  6. One Pound – Leek in a Coronet, Representing Wales                       -1985
  7. One Pound – Flax in a Coronet, Representing N Ireland                  -1986
  8. One Pound – Oak tree in a Coronet, Representing England              -1992
  9. One Pound – Lion Rampant, in a Flory Representing Scotland        -1994
  10. One Pound – Dragon Passant Representing Wales                           -1995
  11. One Pound – Celtic Cross and Pimpernel Representing N Ireland   -1996
  12. One Pound – Three Lions Passant Guardant Representing England -2002
  13. One Pound – Menai Suspension Bridge, Wales                                -2005
  14. One Pound – MacNeills Egyptian Arch, Newry N Ireland                -2006
  15. One Pound – Millennium Bridge, Newcastle England                      -2007
  16. One Pound – The Shield from The Royal Coat of Arms                   -2008

  1. Two Pounds – Queen Head by Rank Broadley                                  - 1998
  2. Two Pounds – Reverse std Coin                                                        - 2005
  3. Two Pounds – Reverse DNA Commemoration                                 - 2003
  4. Two Pounds – Reverse Trevithick Commemoration                        - 2004
  5. Two Pounds – Reverse Abolition of Slave Trade 1807                     - 2007
  6. Two Pounds – Reverse Tercentenary of Union of England              - 2007
  7. Two Pounds – 250th Anniversary of Birth of Robert Burns              - 2009
  8. Two Pounds – Gun Powder Plot Commemoration                            - 2005  
  9. Two Pounds – World War II Commemoration                                  - 2005  
  10. Two Pounds – Charles Darwin Bicentenary                                      - 2009  

Obsolete Coins

  1. Half Penny – King George V                                                             - 1924
  2. Half Penny – King George V Reverse                                               - 1924
  3. Half Penny – Queen Head by Arnold Machin                                   - 1962  x Set
  4. Half Penny – QH by Arnold Machin Reverse                                   - 1963  x of
  5. Half Penny - QH by Arnold Machin Reverse                                              - 1964  x Six 
  1. Half Penny - QH by Arnold Machin Reverse                                                - 1965
  2. Half Penny - QH by Arnold Machin Reverse                                                - 1966
  3. Half Penny - QH by Arnold Machin Reverse                                               - 1967
  4. Half New Penny – Queen Head by Arnold Machin Std Coin                       - 1971  
  5. Half New Penny -  Std Coin Reverse                                                          - 1971 
  1. Three Pence – King George VI                                                          - 1937

  1. Six Pence – King George V                                                               - 1930 
  2. Six Pence -  King George VI                                                              - 1947
  3. Six Pence -  King George VI Reverse                                                - 1948
  4. Six Pence -  Queen Elizabeth II                                                         - 1956
  5. Six Pence -  Queen Elizabeth II Reverse                                           - 1960

  1. One Shilling – King George VI Reverse                                            - 1947
  2. One Shilling – King George VI Reverse                                            - 1947
  3. One Shilling – Queen Elizabeth II                                                     - 1956
  4. One Shilling – Queen Elizabeth II Reverse                                       - 1957
  5. Ten Pence    -  Queen Elizabeth II                                                      - 1969
  6. Ten Pence    -  Queen Elizabeth II Reverse                                        - 1973
  7. Two Shillings – King George VI                                                       - 1947
  8. Two Shillings – King George VI Reverse                                         - 1947
  9. Two Shillings – Queen Elizabeth II                                                   - 1961
  10. Two Shillings – Queen Elizabeth II Reverse                                     - 1961
  11. Half Crown    -  King George VI Reverse                                       - 1942
  12. Half Crown    -  Queen Elizabeth II Reverse                                   - 1956
  13. Half Penny      - Peters Field Promissory                                        - 1793
  14. One Penny      - King George V                                                    - 1920
  15. One Penny      - King George V Reverse                                       - 1921
  16. One Penny      - Queen Elizabeth II                                               - 1967
  17. Five Pounds – Queen Elizabeth I                                                   -
  18. Five Pounds – Diana Princess of Wales                                       - 2007
  19. Churchill Medallion                                                                     - 1965
  20. Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother                                             - 1980

  1. Ten Centimes                                                                         - 1969
  2. Ten Centimes Reverse                                                           - 1989
  3. Twenty Centimes                                                                   - 1979
  4. Twenty Centimes Reverse                                                     - 1950
  5. Twenty Centimes Reverse                                                     - 1968
  6. Half Franc                                                                               - 1965
  7. Half Franc Reverse                                                                 - 1968
  8. One Franc                                                                               - 1969
  9. One Franc Reverse                                                                 - 1972
  10. Two Francs Aluminium                                                         - 1943
  11. Two Francs Aluminium                                                         - 1950
  12. Five Francs - Nickel                                                               - 1971 
  1. Ten Francs - Bimetallic                                                         - 1989
  2. Five Francs Aluminium                                                         - 1945                         
  3. Ten Francs- Brass                                                                   - 1955
  4. Ten Francs- Brass Reverse                                                     - 1953
  5. Empire – 50 Cents                                                                  - 1864
  6. Five Centimes                                                                        - 1975 
  7. Two Francs – Nickel                                                              - 1980 

  1. Two Francs - Nickel Rev                                                       - 1994
  2.  Five Francs – Nickel Rev                                                      - 1990
  3.  Ten Francs – Bimetallic Rev                                                  - 1990


  1. 50 Lepta                                                                                  - 1964
  2. One Drachma                                                                          - 1970
  3.  Two Drachma                                                                        - 1926
  4. Two Drachma                                                                         - 1978
  5. Five Drachma                                                                         - 1976
  6. Ten Drachma                                                                          - 1976
  7. 50 drachma                                                                             - 1982


  1. Five Pennia                                                                             - 1977
  2. Ten Pennia                                                                              - 1981
  3. Twenty Pennia                                                                        - 1977
  4. Fifty Pennia                                                                            - 1921
  5. 25 Pennia                                                                                - 1925
  6. One Markka                                                                            - 1951
  7. One Markka                                                                            - 1958
  8. Twenty Markka                                                                      - 1954
  9. Twenty Markka                                                                      - 1955


  1. One Escudo                                                                             - 2000
  2. Five Escudos                                                                          - 1998
  3. Ten Escudos                                                                           - 1999
  4. Ten Centavos                                                                          - 1955
  5. Twenty Centavos                                                                    - 1970
  6. Fifty Centavos                                                                                    - 1972
  7. Fifty Centavos                                                                                    - 1944
  8. One Escudo                                                                             - 1946

  1. Five Bani                                                                                - 1963
  2. Fifteen Bani                                                                            - 1960
  3. Twenty Five Bani                                                                   - 1960
  4. One Leu                                                                                  - 1966
  5. Hundred Leu                                                                           - 1992
  6. Thousand Leu                                                                         - 2001


  2. Ten Para                                                                                  - 1981
  3. Five Dinar                                                                               - 1945
  4. Ten Dinar                                                                                - 1983
  5. Hundred Dinar                                                                        - 1988
  6. One Dinar                                                                               - 1980
  7. One Dinar Reverse                                                                 - 1975
  8. Five Dinar                                                                               - 1972


  1. Five Cents - Copper                                                               - 1951
  2. Five Cents – Copper Reverse                                                 - 1975
  3. Five Cents Copper Reverse                                                    - 1984
  4. Ten Cents - Nickel                                                                 - 1964
  5. Ten Cents – Nickel Reverse                                                   - 1970
  6. 25 Cents - Nickel                                                                    - 1966
  7. 25 Cents – Nickel Reverse                                                     - 1966
  8. 25 Cents - Nickel                                                                    - 1998
  9. One Guilder - Nickel                                                              - 1967
  10. One Guilder – Nickel Reverse                                               - 1976
  11. One Cent - Copper                                                                  - 1960
  12. Five Cents – Alum Bronze                                                     - 1989 
  13. Five Cents – Alum Bronze – Rev                                          - 1991 
  14. Ten Cents – Steel                                                                   - 1987 
  15. Ten Cents – Steel Rev                                                            - 1992 
  16.  25 Cents – Steel                                                                     - 1991


  1.  Five Lira                                                                                - 1955
  2. Ten Lira                                                                                  - 1987
  3. Ten Lira Reverse                                                                    - 1956
  4. Fifty Lira                                                                                - 1963
  5. Fifty Lira Reverse                                                                  - 1967
  6. One Hundred Lira                                                                   - 1957
  7. One Hundred Lira Reverse                                                     - 1970
  8. Two Hundred Lira                                                                  - 1978
  9. Two Hundred Lira                                                                  - 1979
  10. Five Hundred Lira                                                                  - 1989
  1. Five Lira                                                                                 - 1927
  2. Ten Cents                                                                                - 1922
  3. Twenty Cents                                                                          - 1918
  4. Twenty Cents                                                                          - 1940
  5. Ten Centesimi                                                                          - 1893
  6. Ten Centesimi Reverse                                                            - 1894

  1. Two Aurar                                                                              - 1942
  2. Five Aurar                                                                              - 1942
  3. Ten Aurar                                                                               - 1946
  4. One Krona                                                                              - 1984
  5. Ten Krona                                                                               - 1987
  6. Ten Krona Rev                                                                       - 1984


  1. Five Ore                                                                                  - 1973
  2. Five Ore Reverse                                                                    - 1979
  3. Ten Ore                                                                                   - 1974
  4. Ten Ore Reverse                                                                     - 1978
  5. Ten Ore Reverse                                                                    - 1984
  6. Twenty Five Ore                                                                     - 1987
  7. Fifty Ore                                                                                 - 1978
  8. Fifty Ore Reverse                                                                   - 1983
  9. Fifty Ore Copper                                                                    - 1989
  10. One Kroner                                                                             - 1989
  11. Two Kroner                                                                            - 1999
  12. Five Kroner                                                                            - 1990


  1. Twenty Haleru                                                            - 1973
  2. Twenty Haleru Reverse                                              - 1976
  3. Two Koruna                                                                - 1972
  4. Five Koruna                                                                - 1981