Sunday, 14 August 2016



Secunderabad - 500 015.




          The present Commanding Officer of Daring Dozen, invited all the surviving Veterans for a Re-Union on the Eve of 31st Raising Day of the Unit and he offered to make all the necessary arrangements for the event.

          Most of the Veterans confirmed their willingness to attend the event, which was scheduled to be held over a period of three days from 09 Feb 2016 to 11 Feb 2016. All of us left our different locations in the Country to the unit which is located somewhere on the Western Border and reached there by 09 Feb 2016 FN.

          Since the functions were to commence in the evening, a programme was arranged in the morning to visit the Golden Temple. I decided instead to visit, one of my Ex - Commanding Officer in Ludhiana, who could not make it to the Re-Union, due to being seriously ill and completely bed ridden

Visit to Ludhiana

I started for Ludhiana, at about 0900 h and reached by lunch time. We had some trouble in locating the Residence of Col BS Judge, my Ex - Commanding Officer. I met him and his family, spent some time with him, discussing our past association in the unit and went back to unit after Lunch.

Col BS Judge, My Ex-Commanding Officer in J&K, who is seriously Ill

Self with Col BS Judge, Remembering the Past Association Through Thick and Thin

Self with Col BS Judge and Mrs Judge

Family Photo of Col BS Judge, Less his Elder son Who stays at Patiala

Dinner at Assam House in Honour of the Veterans

          After spending some time with Col Judge and his family, I started back for the Unit after Lunch, and made it just in time to change and reach Assam House for the Veterans Dinner.

The Veterans and Families at Assam House Dinner

Self (Extreme Right) with Col SR Das, who was our 
EX - Second in Command from 1988 to 1990

Veterns and Families at Assam House Dinner. Second from Left Col AK Roy, 
Col RBS Anand, His Daughter in law and Grand Children, Second from 
Right COs wife, the Hostess and Mrs Bela Roy wife of Col AK Roy

Veterans at Assam House. From Right Col AK Jayachandran, 
Brig SN Rai facing away from the Camera, Maj SR Roy, 
Col RBS Anand and Col VK Rana partially facing away from the Camera

Extreme Left Mrs (Late Brig) JS Antal, the senior most lady and wife of First CO, 
who Raised the Unit in Feb 1985. Third from Left Facing the Camera - Boonga Antal, 
daughter of Late Brig Antal, Second from Right partially facing away from Camera 
Col VS Sharawat and Maj Tarun Rajkumar from Imphal

Veterans DinnerSitting Left Brig SN Rai and Right Col AK Roy

Extreme Left Col VK Rana, Col AK Jayachandran, Col SR Das and Self

Extreme Left Miss Rithika Daughter of Maj SR Roy, Guddu, Son of Col Jayachandran, 
Lady partially facing the Camera the Hostess and Extreme Right Mrs AK Jayachandran

Extreme Right Facing away from Camera Col AK Jayachandran, Second from Right Col J Pant, Senior most Surviving Commanding Officer From Jun 1987 to May 1990.

Extreme Left The Hostess, Mrs AK Jayachandran, Mrs Rauthela and Col SM Tabib

Third from Right Mrs (Late Col) SS Bhullar, the First Second in Command of the Unit and Fourth from Right Mrs JS Antal the senior most lady of the unit

On the Dancing Floor

The second and the third days of the Re-Union will be published as separate Blogs